For model: 65BDL3000Q
Download this firmware file:
How to upgrade the firmware:
1. Switch on the unit;
2. The monitor should startup (led is green);
3. Unplug the power connector or switch off the main AC switch;
4. Repower the monitor by the power connector or the AC switch;
5. Wait until you see any picture or OSD message (even “no signal” is fine);
6. Copy the file "upgrade_loader.pkg" to the main folder of an USB stick;
a. Do not rename this file.
7. Plug the USB stick in the USB connector of the monitor;
8. Unplug the power connector or switch off the main AC switch;
9. Repower the monitor by the power connector or the AC switch;
10. Display will show "Software upgrade in progress” ;
a. Firmware upgrade takes approximately 7 minutes.
11. After finishing the upgrade process, the monitor will reboot by itself;
12. Remove the USB stick;
13. Perform a factory reset from the factory menu:
a. Press on the remote control : HOME, 1, 9, 9, 9,BACK;
b. Select “Factory Reset” and press OK ;
c. After +/- 10 secs a green message will appear on the screen “Set to virgin(FINAL)
14. Unplug the power connector or switch off the main AC switch;
15. Repower the monitor by the power connector or the AC switch;
16. Done!
NOTE: if "Software upgrade in progress…" not appear on the screen try with different USB stick
(FAT32 formatted).
How to read the firmware version:
Press “HOME, 1, 9, 9, 9, BACK”, a window will popup, select “F/W version” and press ok.