BDL - xxBDL4150D (Himalaya 2.0) - Playing content from USB Drive using the build in Media Player

BDL - xxBDL4150D (Himalaya 2.0) - Playing content from USB Drive using the build in Media Player

Common Settings

Press the Home Button to bring the Settings Menu
Configuration 1-> Switch On State = Forced On
Advanced Configuration -> APM = Off

Portrait Mounting

This display can be installed in portrait position.
1. If the table stand is attached, remove it first.
2. Rotate the display counter-clockwise by 90°. The “ ” logo should be on the RIGHT side when facing the display.
3. Set the following setting so that the Menu is oriented correctly (Home->Configuration 2->OSD Rotation->Portrait)

Prepare files into a USB Drive

Philips' Android based Media Player will look for content to be displayed in specific directories.
Please put the contents according to their types into the following directories in the USB Drive:

Create the directories as per below.

Put the files into the appropriate directory.
video files into philips/video directory
photo files into philips/photo directory
music files into philips/music directory
pdf files into philips/pdf directory.

Creating Media Playlist

Using the remote, Press Source->Media Player

Click Settings

Click Repeat Mode

Choose- Repeat All 

Press  back button 

Media Player-> Compose


PlayList = File 1

 Select Media From? (USB or Internal Storage or SD Card)


Navigate through the directory structure Select content by clicking  on the one you'd like to be included into the playlist


Once done click the Option Key ()

Add (to add to the list)


Save (to save the list)

Save or Abort? (Save)

Add background music to slideshow?  No

Overwrite? Yes 

Setting the Screen to Boot to the Media Player when turned on

Home->Configuration 1->Boot on source->Action

 Set Input = Media Player

Playlist = 1 (or whichever playlist you prefer)


Possible Issue:

USB is not detected 

Check if you’ve plugged the USB Drive into the USB Port further away from the screen (1 of the USB port is simply a 5V USB port)

Go to Home1888->Settings->Signage Display->External Storage is unticked.

OPTION: Using the Screen's Internal Storage To Play Content

Enter the Screen's Android Menu

Enter Android Menu (Press: Home, 1, 8, 8, 8 within 2 seconds)
Select “Settings”

Clone (Copy) the USB's Media Files into the Internal Storage

Select “System Tools”

Press: Right NAV and select “Clone Media Files”

Select “USB storage” as Clone Source

Select “Internal storage” as Target Location
Select “Clone”

Files from the following directory in the USB are now copied into Internal Storage

philips/video/ -> video

philips/photo/ -> photo

philips/music/ -> music

philips/pdf/ -> pdf

Clearing the Internal Storage Content to Start Afresh