Customer wants to display Fusion Signage app to display advertisement by default when screen is not being used.
When user connect to the screen to one of the input source (ie. HDMI1, HDMI2, HDMI3, etc), screen will switch its video to that input source.
When user finish using the screen and disconnect the laptop or put his laptop on standby, screen switches back to displaying Fusion Signage app screen.
In the steps below, we use Fusion Signage (source: custom) as the default source, but the screen can also be configured to other default source, including Media Player, Browser, etc.
Setup Steps
1. Turn on screen
3. Press Home->Android Setting (pin:1234)->Signage Display->Source Settings->Custom App, set Fusion Signage as the custom app
4. Exit android menu
5. Press Home->Configuration->Boot On source
- Untick "Last Input"
- Set the Boot On Source to HDMI3
Go to Home->Advanced->Auto Signal Detection
Set it as follow:
Detect Mode: Failover
Failover 1: DisplayPort
Failover 2: DVI
Failover 3: HDMI1
Failover 4: HDMI2
Failover 5: HDMI3
Failover 6: HDMI4
Failover 7: Custom
Failover 8: Custom
Failover 9: Custom
Failover10: Custom
Failover11: Custom