Step 1. Prepare the USB flash drive
Get an empty flash drive and connect it to the PC. In my case the USB flash drive is called “USBFLASH”. In your case it will have a different name.
Next step is to format the USB flash drive to FAT32. Select the USB flash drive and right click. Go to format.
Select File system FAT32(Default). Tick the Quick Format box. Rest of the option can remain unchanged.
Step 2. Download the logging file
The files are zipped. In the next step we need to unzip the files.
Go in the folder where the zip archive has been downloaded. Select the zip file and right-click.
Step 4. Copy the logging files on the USB
Copy the files extracted in Step 3 on the USB.
The USB flash drive should show similar the picture from below. The three files are placed in the root of the
Step 5. Capture the logs
Disconnect the main power cable
Insert the USB flash drive into the USB side connector
Plug in the power cable
- Logging will automatically start and will be written to the USB
- Logging will continue to be written to the USB during normal use of the TV
- Reproduce the problem you have
If the Android Recovery icon is shown on the display, disconnect the main power cable and connect it again.
Try to power on the TV again.
Disconnect the main power cable and remove the USB

General tip
While logging, when you see something wrong on the TV, press the red button a couple of times and press the green button when the behavior is OK. This makes it easier to find problem behaviour in the USB log.
Step 6 Transfer the logs.
Zip the complete content of the USB and send it to us.
Office use only
TPVisionDebug.cookie - HFL5011/HFL7011/HFL5014/HFL6014/HFL5114/HFL6114/HFL5214/HFL6214