Colour Calibration Kit CCK4602 – Manual Tuning

Colour Calibration Kit CCK4602 – Manual Tuning

This guide assumes an automated Calibration process has already been completed and you now need to make manual adjustments.
It is possible to adjust the backlight and RGB values of each screen manually by selecting “Manual Tuning” in the CMND & Calibrate menu:
Ensure a White pattern is selected from the “Show pattern” selection box to display a white image on the video wall.
Choose a screen with the best white colour representation – this will be your reference screen.

Adjusting colours by eye

Select the ID of another screen that needs to be adjusted from the “Monitor” selection box.
Make adjustments to the RGB gain or backlight level as needed. You can use the following image as a guide on what values to adjust depending on the tint shown on the screen:
Repeat the adjustments on all other screens in the video wall until you are satisfied with the white colour representation.

Adjusting colours with colour sensor

Hold the colour sensor on the reference screen and select “Measure Colour”
Sensor will read the reference x and y values and print them on the screen, as shown below:
Now hold the colour sensor on another screen requiring adjustment and select “Measure Colour” to show its x and y values.
Adjust the RGB gain values of this screen as required until they approach the same values as your reference screen:
Changing the R gain will affect the x value
Changing the G gain will affect the y value
Changing the B gain will affect both x and y together
The x,y coordinates relate to points in a colour graph as represented below:
The x and y values can have a difference of +/-0.002
Repeat this process on any other screen requiring adjustment so their x and y values to match your reference screen’s values and you are satisfied with the white colour representation.

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