Win 10 Installation
1. Download the Microsoft Media Creation tool from the Microsoft website below on to a Windows computer and launch it. 2. Follow the onscreen directions to Create a Bootable USB image of Windows 10 64 Bit. Try to download 1703 or 1709 version WIN10 instead of 1803
3. Insert the USB drive into an available USB port on the PC (located on the left side behind the edge of the screen) and start the unit up repeatedly pressing the Delete key. This should take you to the Bios where you can select to boot from the USB drive.
4. Follow the on screen directions to start the installation. I would select the advanced mode and delete all the partitions to remove everything from the drive and allow the Windows installation to recreate the partitions from scratch assuring that nothing carries over from the original installation.
5. Once Windows is installed check the device manager to see that all the drivers are installed and there are no unknown devices. If Windows is unable to find a driver extract the driver package linked in the “Use your own OS” document linked below and use the Use your own Disk option to search the Driver folder for the correct driver.
6. Once all drivers are installed then install the Mondopad Installation Kit (MPIK) linked in the “Use your own OS” document linked below
7. Follow the Mondopad onscreen steps to setup the Mondopad software.
[Download MPad-MPIK2.3.0.0.exe]
Microsoft Help document Create Installation Media for Windows
Link for the Microsoft Media Creation Tool
Use your own OS