xxHFL2889 RepairGuide MainBoard Replacement

xxHFL2889 RepairGuide MainBoard Replacement

If you have to replace a board, and it's working OK, then proceed to update: 1) software to the latest; 2) Serial# and Model# of the TV.
If the new board is not working OK, you need to update: 1) full software; 2) software to the latest; 3) Serial# and Model# of the TV.

Perform full software update

Each production type has a different content to be used on USB to upgrade a new board.
On the TV sticker you will see a "production code", all digits starting with "10121xxx".

Download the matching software from:

There will be 2 files inside the downloaded .zip file (2x*.bin and 1x .txt file).
Procedure for full SW upgrade for MB140 sets (2889 series):
1. First, make sure you have all these files; "mb140.bin", "usb_auto_update_G9.txt".
2. Copy all files to USB stick (to the root, not to subfolder).
3. Turn the TV off and unplug from main
4. Plug the USB stick to TV.
5. While you are pressing the OK button on the remote control, plug the TV to the power socket at the same time. (Reset the TV and press the OK button immediately)
6. The update shall be processing while system booting up.
7. LED will be blinking quickly. Then, the LED blinks normally and the First time installation menu will come to screen.
8. After installation, you should do Power off/on. Then it will be ready.
Note: This will erase all the settings and channels you previously available on TV. TV will come on FTI screen.

After that, you will have to start installation again of the TV.

Update Software to the Latest Version

  1. Go to philips.com.au, search for the Model number, go to the model's Support section to download the latest software.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file.
  3. Copy the VES171HE_upgrade.bin file to the root directory of a USB.
  4. Plug in the USB to the TV.
  5. Press HOME+1505 buttons on the remote.
  6. Confirm YES to update software. Upon completion, the TV will restart automatically.
  7. Unplug the USB.

How to Update Model & Serial Numbers

Downloading Procedure From TV

  1. Create “DownloadSerialModelNo.txt” file in an empty USB stick.
  2. Press MENU+4725 to access the Service Menu.
  3. Apply USB operations.
  4. After you applied USB operations, “SerialNoModelNo.txt” file will be created automatically in the USB stick.

Uploading Procedure To TV

  1. Rename “DownloadSerialModelNo.txt” to “SerialNoModelNo.txt” file in a USB stick.
  2. Update the information below on this text file:
  3. SerialNo: xxx
    ModelNo: yyy
  4. Press MENU+4725 to access the Service Menu.
  5. Then apply USB operations.
  6. Power on/off.

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