The TV may be set to automatically turn itself off after x amount of hours.
If you're using Light Green Service remote, you need to change the remote's mode to RC5 for xxHFL28x9
- Setup the Light Green Service Remote to RC5 xxHFL2889 codes
Press RC5 Guest, then press 1 and A simultaneously
To change this, follow these steps:
1. Go to Professional Menu: 3,1,9,7,5,3,mute
If you're using Light Green Service Remote
Press the double cog button
2. Turn off hotel mode (the timeout settings can only be seen in non-hotel mode)
3. Exit from this menu by pressing back a couple of times.
4. Press the Home menu to bring up the Menu, choose settings
If you're using Light Green Service Remote
Press the left House button to bring up the Normal Menu
5. Select more...
6. Turn Auto TV OFF to Off
7. Exit from this menu by pressing back a couple of times.
8. Go to professional mode (3,1,9,7,5,3,mute)
If you're using Light Green Service Remote
Press the double cog button
9. Turn Hotel Mode back on
10. Exit the menu by pressing back a couple of times.