xxHFL5x14 xxHFL6x14 Configuration to remove apps and non channel sources from the Home Screen

xxHFL5x14 xxHFL6x14 Configuration to remove apps and non channel sources from the Home Screen

For other TV Settings guide including updating the TV Software, please refer to this article
xxHFL5014 xxHFL6014 xxHFL5114 xxHFL6114 Setup - Standalone, free to air TV channels only

To Not Show App on the screen Home Screen

Navigate to [Features] -> [Apps] -> [SmartTV Server Settings] -> [SmartTV Mode] = Off
Navigate to [Channels] -> [Enable Channels] -> [OTT App Channels] = Off

To Not Show Other Sources but TV Channels on Home Screen

Navigate to [Sources] -> [Enable Sources] - Disable all sources that doesn't want to be shown

Disable TV Default Dashboard (Optional)

The TV will show a welcome screen followed by the default dashboard on startup

If you do NOT want this to be shown:

Welcome screen
[Features]->[Welcome screen]->[ScreenSaver as Welcome Screen] = NO

[Switch On Settings]->[Feature Settings]->[Switch On Feature] = None 

Store TV Settings

Several Professional settings will be applied immediately once you change the settings without a reboot. For some settings a reboot is still required.
If the message does not display, a reboot is not required

Press “Back” until you exit the [Professional settings] menu
If restart is necessary, a notification appears that the TV needs to restart to apply some settings:

Reboot the TV by unplugging from the mains power and plugging the TV again. After the reboot your new settings will be applied.

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