FAQ & Troubleshooting
HFL5x14/HFL6x14 Netflix Doesn't Appear
Overview For HFL5x14/HFL6x14 to show the Netflix App the following requirement must be met - Netflix Pre-Authorization need to have been completed at the App Control Portal. (Special Authorization from Philips is required if the TV is to use CDB ...
HFL5x14/6x14 IPTV Setup On TV
Overview IPTV Setup can be done: With CMND - easiest Without CMND - a bit more complex With CMND Ensure a clone file of the Channel List is in CMND You can do this by: - Getting a clone file from the TV through CMND - Uploading a clone file with ...
HFL5014/6014/5114/6114/5214/6214 IPTV Pixelation due to Network Flooding
Please check the following: 1. Isolation Mode: Check if Client/AP Isolation is enabled in the network. This prevents TVs from communicating with each other and avoids excessive broadcast traffic. 2. MDNS Optimization: Ensure mDNS proxying is enabled ...
How to Recover XXHFL6214 TV From Boot mode (Android Not Functioning/ Remote Not Functioning) using Forced Software Update with upgrade_loader.pkg
Overview Philips periodically releases software updates to address issues and add features. Ensuring your TV runs the latest software is crucial to minimize encountering known problems. This guide outlines the forced update process using the ...
HFL5x14/6x14/BFL2x14 Troubleshooting - TV shows "No signal. The TV will switch off in ... "
Symptoms TV shows "No signal. The TV will switch off in ... " Main Reasons The following is the reason TV Auto Standby is set to a value bigger than 0 (default is 240) Solution By default, Philips TV is set to turn itself off after 240 minutes of no ...
HFL5x14 HFL6x14 BFL2x14 What's the Ethernet Port's Speed
100 Mbps max for Ethernet #Office Use: YP2EP20240823Teams
HFL5x14/6x14/BFL2x14 Troubleshooting - TV Keep Turning Itself Off
Symptoms The TV keeps turning itself off after sometime. Main Reasons The following is the most common reasons 1. TV Auto Standby is set to 240 (default) 2. TV is being turned off by the connected device via HDMI CEC 3. TV schedule is turning it on ...
HFL5x14 HFL6x14 BFL2x14 How to Clear Cache
Clearing App Cache Go to Professional Menu by pressing Mute, left, right, up, down, OK Go to Android Settings->Device Preferences -> Storage -> Internal Shared Storage -> Apps -> See All apps Choose the app whose cache you want to clear Clear Cache ...
HFL5014/6014/5114/6114 IPTV Showing No Channel
A couple of things to check: 1. Check if the TV is connected to the network and have an IP Address - Press mute, left, right, up, down, ok to go to professional menu - Navigate to Wireless and Networks -> Settings->View Network Settings Confirm that ...
xxHFL5x14 xxHFL6x14 TV Shows Google "Data Notice and Terms of Service" when turned on
Issue Description TV Shows this message when it's turned on Solution Navigate to Professional Menu Select [Guest Management] -> [Display Guest ToS] -> Set to [Off] Office Use only #11471 - AO
xxHFL5x14 xxHFL6x14 TV Shows "Factory Mode" Message when booted up for the first time.
Please help to send the following info for each TV with the "Factory Mode" issue to Westan Support support@westan.com.au so we can report them to Philips. - photo/video of what's shown on the TV (with the message Factory Mode - photo of Serial Number ...
xxHFL5014/6014/5114/6114 IPTV Audio Choppy
If IPTV Audio sounds choppy.. See example video here https://westanonline.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/Support/EhDbNEPLEeNMvgnYbFzcUJQBm4wjjRB-VFxEZySunJG9MQ?e=9wnp5t Change IPTV Channel setting for the relevant channel(s) in ChannelList.xml from: <Multicast ...
xxHFL5014/6014/5114/6114 Troubleshooting - <span jscontent="hostName"></span> is blocked page is shown
The page below is what happen if the TV is trying to show SmartInfo page but no SmartInfo page has been assigned to the TV To resolve this, you need to assign a SmartInfo page by using USB cloning method or through CMND
xxHFL6114U xxHFL5214U Troubleshooting - TV keep rebooting when any remote buttons were pressed
Symptoms TV keep rebooting when any Remote key is pressed or sometimes without pressing any buttons. Main Reasons The xxHFL6114U and xxHFL5214U models have been designed with the TV keyboard button located under the TV, where the IR sensor is ...
xxHFL5014/6014/5114/6114 Troubleshooting - TV appear dead and cannot be powered on
Symptoms TV doesn't have any sign of life. The IR indicator on the TV doesn't turn on. If the TV IR indicator light on or the TV showing content, but you can't control it using the remote control, please refer to the following Troubleshooting guides: ...
xxHFL5014/6014/5114/6114 Troubleshooting - Can't Control TV using the Remote Control
Symptoms TV can turn on (this can easily be verified by seeing the IR indicator changing color when the TV is turned on or TV showing something) but the TV doesn't respond to remote control Main Reasons The symptoms of TV unable to be controlled via ...
xxHFL5014 xxHFL6014 - No Australia in the channel country selection list
Check that Professional Mode is ON If AU is still missing, this can be solved by either: performing NVM Reset procedure https://support.westan.com.au/portal/en-gb/kb/articles/hfl5x14-hfl6x14-nvm-reset-procedure turning professional mode on but don't ...