CMND Reception - How To Clear CMND Reception Setting

You may want to clear CMND Reception setting if the username/password of CMND Reception in CMND has changed which may cause issue for CMND Reception to establish connection to CMND..
Uninstalling the CMND Reception doesn't clear the existing CMND Reception settings..
To clear the settings, please remove the following folder, were you have to change <user name> to the actual user name on the machine.
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\reception

AppData is a hidden folder in Windows..
Open File Explorer, tick the "Hidden items"
You can also go to C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming folder by typing in %appdata% in the File Explorer
To find out which user you are logged in as (so you know which c:\Users\ folder you need to go to
Open up cmd prompt in windows
type echo %USERNAME%
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