Dragon1.0 Repair Guide Main Board Replacement

Dragon1.0 Repair Guide Main Board Replacement

1.       See position of main board in service manual in the link below (page 73, 74, 75, 76)


2.       Important remote sequence:

Factory Menu

Home 1999 back

Android Menu

Home 1888

Enable Remote control (if it is locked)

Info for 10 secs


Info 77

Service Menu

Home 1777

3.       If you can’t get into android menu, there’s a good chance that the android board is where the fault lies.


1.       Move Android board (smaller board located on the main board – be careful with the clip that hold it to the mainboard) to new main board (unless Tech Team specifically ask for android board to be replaced as well, then see Android Board Replacement Guide)

2.       Install new Main board

3.       Turn screen on

4.       Possible issue: If the picture looks wrong, then, you need to update the screen scaler SW to the correct model

      Check what the screen think its model is by pressing Info,7,7
      You'll notice that the screen is thinking that it is a wrong model than what it should be.
      The screen need to be updated with the correct Scaler .bin file.
      Download the correct .bin file (from the xxBDL4050D Scaler Firmware update link below) but rename it to the model that the screen think it is.
      eg. if the model should be 55BDL4050D, but the screen think it is a 32BDL4050D, download PHL_55BDL4050D.bin, then rename the file to PHL_32BDL4050D.
      Then, follow the procedure below.. The screen will look for a .bin file that matches its current model and apply it.. After this procedure the screen will be reprogrammed with the correct model.